Laung – Free Tailwind CSS Personal Blog Template

Laung is our very first Tailwind CSS template. It’s a minimal blog template with sidebar menu design. For the Offcanvas menu  we have used very minimal pure JS code. It’s a starter template for personal blogs, we will be releasing more advance version of this template with more features in future.


  • Based on the latest version of Tailwind CSS V2.0.
  • Fast loading speed due to no extra code and scripts.
  • No jQuery plugins used for navigation menu. Pure JS Off Canvas menu is added.
  • Free Template for both personal and commercial usage
  • Social Media Icons are added for all major networks.
  • Minimal blog design with single column layout for the post archive.

Pages Included

  • Homepage with latest posts
  • Single Post template




SVG Icons –


01/15/2021 – Version: V1.0

  • Initial version release of this free Tailwind CSS Template


If you have any queries then please feel free to comment below.