
Get list of all registered product attributes in Woocommerce

// Get all registered product attributes in Woocommerce
foreach(wc_get_attribute_taxonomies() as $attribs){
	$attributes = get_terms(array('taxonomy'=>'pa_' .$attribs->attribute_name,'hide_empty'=>false,'fields'=> 'all')); ?>
	<div class="attributes">
	<h3><?php echo $attribs->attribute_label; ?></h3>
	<ul class="attribute-list">
	<?php if(!empty($attributes)):
	foreach($attributes as $attribute): ?>
		<li data-value="<?php echo $attribute->taxonomy.'__'.$attribute->slug; ?>">
		<?php echo $attribute->name; ?>
	<?php endforeach; endif; ?>
<?php }
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