
Create custom shortcode with attributes in WordPress

add_shortcode( 'shortcode_with_atts', 'create_shortcode_with_atts' );
function create_shortcode_with_atts( $atts ) {

	$attsVal = shortcode_atts( array(
		'posts_per_page'  =>  '2',
		'post_category'  =>  'all',   
	), $atts );

	//your custom code starts
	//access attribute values like this
	// $attsVal['pagination']; 
	// $attsVal['posts_per_page'];
	// $attsVal['post_category']; 
	//your custom code ends

	return  ob_get_clean();

How use this shortcode in frontend?

[shortcode_with_atts posts_per_page="10" post_category="news"]
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